
FishTalk飞仕创坛|230106 科技向善之夜

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230106 我们似乎比以往任何时候都更重视科技向善的力量



生物多样性管理 | xylo system

随着人类社会的发展,日益严峻的生态危机要求我们正确认识并重新定位人与自然间的关系。Xylo Systems 为人们处理人与自然之间的关系提供了一些可实操的工具。Xylo Systems系统的遥感技术内置数据记录仪和红外摄像,系统可部署到偏远岛屿,实时检测濒危物种的环境数据。Xylo Systems系统可以分析理想栖息地的数据,为濒危物种的圈养、繁殖提供有价值的信息。

Xylo Systems identified the need for remote sensing technologies, including data loggers and infrared cameras, to be deployed to a remote island in the Pacific to collect data on the species.This data was built into a dashboard to monitor the island environment and track the recovery program.

利用遥感和深度学习技术,Xylo Systems可同时跟踪多物种的位置,以便在短时间内获得濒危物种栖息环境的完整实时图像。用户企业能够快速地做出明智的保护决策,可为用户企业和考察队节省数千美元的差旅费用。

Xylo Systems identified the need for remote sensing technologies, including data loggers and infrared cameras, to be deployed to a remote island in the Pacific to collect data on the species, its environment and its threats in real time. This data was built into a dashboard to monitor the island environment and track the recovery program.


生物科技 | Synbiote

科技公司是提供科技产品和服务的主体,愿意倾听社会的声音,是科技向善迈向务实的前提。无论是疫苗、化疗药物、合成纤维,还是实验室培育的肉制品,纯化都有可能帮助产品优化并减相关的时间和成本,并提高产量。Synbiot 的纯化产品和解决方案组合旨在实现高纯度生物制药,提高下游工艺的生产率和效率。通过独特的层析填料、预填充层析柱和服务简化目标用户的纯化工作流程。

Whether it is a vaccine, a chemotherapy drug, a synthetic fibre, or even a lab-grown meat product - process optimisation has the potential to reduce the time and costs associated. Synbiote is streamlining the purification step of the biomanufacturing process through process-analytical-technology.


Integrating Process-Analytical-Technologies (PAT) into your pipeline has the potential to enhance understanding of your bioprocesses. In turn, this can increase yield as well as reduce the time, resources, and costs associated with biomanufacturing.


新能源 | Canyon Solar

和生物多样性一样需要被给予更多关注的,还有新能源的开发和利用。太阳能供电系统作为基础设施,其安装、维护的成本高且工期长。不但需反复投资,还让依赖其供电的各类设备很长时间无法工作,损失和危害极大。Canyon Solar 的使命是通过设计经济实惠且美观的太阳能供电系统,为各种规模的项目设计、建造安装创新的模块化太阳能结构。

Canyon Solar's mission is to accelerate the uptake of sustainable power through cost-effective and elegant solar shade structures that are specifically designed for rapid installation. We design, build, and install innovative modular solar structures for projects of all sizes.

Canyon Solar 的结构具有可挠性可以制作成非平面构造,应用范围广泛,可与建筑物结合或是变成建筑体的一部分。这些结构可以真正从第一天开始获得现金流,同时还产生可再生能源。

Our solar shade structures our competitive with traditional membrane shade sails over a 5-year payback period. With the added electricity savings these structures can be financed to be cashflow positive from day 1, while also generating renewable energy.


人工智能 | Pioneera


Pioneera's purpose is to unleash everyone's potential to be happier, healthier and more productive at work. AI bot Indie is the flagship product for Pioneera. Indie blends AI and Psychology to identify and act on the early warning signs of stress through personalised, confidential nudges and coaching.


Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Sentiment Analysis I assess language in written text. Pioneera has partnered with psychologists and behavioural experts to score language based on linguistic markers, which helps me to pick up and act upon your stress and wellness levels in real-time.


可持续教育 | SeedCulture


Sustainability cuts across all aspects and departments of a business; from energy consumption to procurement. In a world re-organising around sustainability, organisations need employees to understand and adopt sustainability into their everyday decisions.


Capture individual and team progress, including learner outcomes and certificates. You can also track your team's tree plantings and watch your forest grow. Access to a library of ever-growing sustainability courses, created by sustainability professionals. All content is modular and can be customised to suit your needs.





FishTalk飞仕创坛|221114 女性创业者之夜

FishTalk221101 Workshop 5


